So all this soft talk has steered me off the true intentions of this blog. Are you interested to hear about the latest in my dating triumphs?
Let's see. The guy I went out with twice who walked his cat on a leash, we never went out again. Because he walked his cat on a leash? No, because we just never spoke again. The 41 year old twice divorced father of two? We had 3 really good dates. We laughed, we ate, we even kissed at the end of the night. After our third date I was leaving for a family vacation, he sent me a text asking me out for when I returned. I returned on Sunday and he called me that night on his way to meet a "buddy" at a bar. He asked me out for that week and we said we would figure our schedules out the following day. The following day was when my world started falling apart when my dog got sick and last words I heard the doctor say that afternoon were "it could be cancer". I had literally lost it that afternoon. The crying was uncontrollable until it finally stopped. When the 41 year old twice divorced father of two called me that night and I answered, his first statement was "it sounds like you are getting sick". I told him a little about what was going on with my dog, I couldn't say that much or I would lose it again and I was desperately trying not only to hold it together but to stay positive as well. After I told him a little bit of my story, I said " you know, we can talk about something a little more cheery" and he said "well, I don't know if this is any more cheery, but I'm seeing someone else." WHAT? A. It is not more cheery and 2. How in all hell is this timing appropriate? Did you know that the last time I was seriously dating someone and hid my bad days as much as I could until finally I just had to break down and tell my boyfriend at the time over the phone how horrible a day I had and when I finished he said, "Um, we need to talk" and we broke up. I mean seriously...This is what blogs and friends are for I guess, no need to dish out the bad to someone I want to date, clearly it doesn't end well for me. :) Anyway, I didn't care, I had other things on my mind. I did respect him for telling me, he didn't need to, but he did. I did question, however, his timing, considering the night before he asked me out again. He said something happened that day that made things more serious. Because most off the wall romantic gestures happen between 9 PM on Sunday night and 7:30 PM on Monday night, right? Bless. He went into many explanations about what he thought of me and blah, blah, blah. It was nice to hear, yes, but I didn't need it. I just wanted to get off the phone and stop pretending that I cared about us not working out and concentrate only on my pup. After I said thank you and wished him well he closed the conversation with "well, I'm sure we will see each other a future industry conferences". Yep, that's exactly what I hope. Bless.
I went out with another 41 year old who is really into country line dancing. He goes to the country bar every Friday night and gets there before his friends so he can get the parking spot he wants. What is it about turning 40 makes you so extremely set in your ways? He likes this spot because it is under a light post so it helps him see when he wants to run out to his car half way through the night to change button down shirts, so he isn't as sweaty. He pays only in cash to avoid the lines and can't stand to watch it when people don't know how to dance, try. He is also the third guy I have gone out with who has also walked his cat on a leash. I swear to God, I really wouldn't want to make that up, it is a sad statistic. He is funny and I have fun with him, but I'm fairly certain the only reason he is still single at 41 and has a cat, is because he in fact, does not yet feel comfortable coming out of the closet. Our romantic paths will not cross again, but I think he would be great to go shopping with sometime!
On to my last. A friend of mine who I know through work called me last week to tell me she wanted to introduce me to someone. I knew she knew I was single, but I wasn't sure she knew anything about my type. I have since learned, she doesn't. He's nice, I will give him that. He's been divorced 6 years, not a big deal. He has a 13 year old son who's never made a B and is always on the honor roll. Not exactly a turn-on, but he's a proud dad. "Do you have any other children?" I asked, anticipating a no or maybe a younger one. "Yes, I have two daughters. One is 28 and the other is 26. I'm an old fart."

Yes, sir, you are. Since I have an amazing dad and no "daddy issues", there is no reason to pretend: this just won't happen. I cannot date anyone who has a kid that is closer to my age than he and he is closer to my parent's age than mine. Sorry, I just can't.