Friday, March 25, 2011


Today, a friend called to tell me she was on her way to Houston. Then the following conversation ensued after mentioning a friend of ours is most recently in a new relationship:

Friend: Oh my gosh, you know who I was thinking about the other day?

Me: Who?

Friend: Do you remember that guy you dated who stole like forty bucks from you and a bunch of liquor?

Me: Umm, it was 4 months ago, about how much do you think I actually date that I would have already forgotten him?

Friend: Man, that was so crazy.

Me: Sure was.

Seriously? The wonderful disenchanting dating life I lead. I did decide, ironically enough, in the shower this morning, that I will not apologize nor make excuses for the choices I make as a single woman. I'm 31 years old, I will continue to have adventures and of course make some mistakes. Who didn't make mistakes until they found the one they want to be with? To the men that stole my heart and my money, I thank you. You give the friends of mine who's men in their lives give them comfort, shelter and love, just a little added humor to my humility and I'm grateful for it and I think, they are too!

Happy Friday friends!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Who is he?

I apologize for my lack in posts lately, quite honestly, there just hasn't been much going on. Hence the reason for this post. I was just rummaging around on Facebook and saw a friend of mine posted a picture of me with her dog recently. When she took the picture I asked her not to "tag" me because I thought the picture was none too flattering. The dog I am holding is a precious puppy, asleep in my arms. I noticed that it was "liked" by some guy I have never met nor heard of. Of course this peeked my interest, who is this mystery man that "liked" a photo of me? Is he liking the picture of me or of the dog? Since I noticed he "liked" some other pictures with the puppy included, I'm quite certain he was "liking" the picture of the dog. However, this has got me thinking. I had already decided I didn't want to ask my friend who he was, I didn't want to face what I consider humility when as a single girl I ask about someone of the opposite sex. 

Sometimes, a friend will be telling a story that will include a guy's name that I haven't heard of and I might ask "who is he?". I will get one of two responses, "Oh, that's so and so that I know from..." that's it, no explanation, just his relation to the person telling the story. Or I majority of the time, I will get some version of this "Oh, that's so and so. He's not single. And you wouldn't like him anyway, he was a player." Did I ask if he was single? No. Was I implying it? Sure. Now did I ask what his relationship status was? Did I say out loud, "Who is that? I think I would like to learn more about what he is like in relationships before you finish your story?". No. I actually feel a tinge of anxiety when I see a guy I would like to ask about, because though, yes, I am single and I may be fishing, I would like to get to the point to ask that question before being told the answer. You know?

For example, recently I was at the dog park and ended up having a 30 minute conversation with a guy whom I had never met, but it turned out we have many mutual friends in common. It was a very nice and pleasant conversation. Did I think it would be nice to run into him again? Sure. Did I picture what a date with him, who told me he had quit drinking two years ago, would be like? Well, yes. But when I called our mutual friend to say we met, did I ask what his relationship status was? Nope. Do I now know that he dated a girl for about a year or longer but they may have recently broken up? Yepper. Did I ever run into him at the park again? Absolutely not. Was the information that was given to me necessary? Not in the slightest.

I realize the reason these things get so much under my skin is that I think people look at me as desperate for attention, a relationship, a set up. I am none of these things. I am simply curious. Sure, I'm single and looking. Clearly, if I see or meet an attractive guy I wonder about his life. This is typical for most people, single or not, you think about the other person's story. What is it? Where did they come from? What are their tricks? ha! This isn't desperate, it is curiosity. I wouldn't want anyone to set me up more than they do, because without a doubt, the story would end up on here and we all know, those don't turn out pretty.

Wishing you a Happy St. Patrick's day, may the luck of the Irish bring you all luck in the search if you are looking or in the boudoir if you found it!