Something about this time around on "interweb dating" isn't as funny. I think because I am actually getting matched up with some people who seem somewhat more my style. But of course, there are those few...
When I was on last year I was matched up with a guy who went to high school with my sister. I wasn't interested in him and think that if I am going to pay money to date (similar to a prostitute, but not) then I am not going to go on a date with someone from my small hometown. Well I quickly closed him the first time and this was during the "you must give a reason" to why you are closing someone. They had a box for me to check which was "in another relationship". This seems quite ironic to have that option while on a dating site, but I still thought it was a softer blow than "based on statements in your profile" or something along the lines of not liking their pictures. A little background on this fellow, we will call him Anil (I just looked down and saw that name on a document of mine from works). Anil and I were also friends on facebook. He was one of those "serial status updaters". He often put he wanted a girlfriend, he hated going to be early, my favorite one "tonight I am going to drink until I can't think" and so on. He was lonely, I understand being lonely. I don't understand making status updates about it. He did eventually get a girlfriend, he made it "facebook relationship status" official. Then it wasn't about a month or so later that the relationship status quickly changed back to single and daily rants about being lonely, his crazy ex-girlfriend, the fact they were trying to work it out, oh wait, she was still crazy and that he was glad he had a dog to snuggle with while he doesn't have a girlfriend. Again, I have a blog, I get this, but I prefer to make light of my empty bed rather than ask pity for it. Well...turns out, eharmony believes we are compatible yet still. I feel like eharmony is somewhat like my friends who set me up with people just because they are single and not actually because we have anything else in common. It doesn't matter, I closed him without knowing who he was. I only saw that it was Anil from Humble. Here's the situation for any of you readers who do not live in Houston. Humble is a town outside of Houston. It is, without a doubt, a suburb. I have no issue with suburbs, like I've said before, but I do not date outside Houston city limits. This city has 8 million people in it, about 4 million of them are men and about 1.5 million of those men are single. I feel like my chances are pretty good. Well, I had recently de-friended Anil on facebook as his status updates were just depressing and his "liking" a photo of mine was somewhat disturbing considering, yes I am one of those people that says yes to most friend requests, but I don't actually think I have 518 friends and their liking my pictures is kind of weird. Right? Either way. He sent me an email and another friend request calling me out on closing him "I guess it's weird we got matched up on eharmony again. Clearly you aren't interested, and that's fine. Best of luck". Now, if I have closed you AND de-friended you, why would you go to these lengths? Flattered, a little. Interested or intrigued? absolutely not.

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