Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A date with a stranger

So I had an eharmony date on Monday night. I was really looking forward to it. He seemed funny and smart and cute, not in the stop you in the street type of way, more in the sweet kind of way.

Anyway, he invited me to meet him at a nice restaurant, Americas on Post Oak. I could definitely do that. He was texting me throughout the day making sure the time was right and twice mentioned he wasn't sure I would be able to find him. It was a Monday night, how crowded could the bar be? I told him, I look just like my picture and as long as he did as well we shouldn't have a problem. Ah-hem. He sent me one last text, after arriving there 15 minutes early (I was still at home having string cheese) to tell me exactly where he was sitting. Okay. So I arrive to find him not even an inch off from where he said he was, however what was off was, well...guess.

He looked absolutely nothing like his picture, except that he had dark hair, what was left of it.  I have no problem with male patterned baldness.  My ex had barely any peach fuzz on his head.  And though I spent the better part of my childhood being blamed for my father's baldness (don't worry dad, we've worked through it in therapy and I'm 100% over it! :)) and I think my dad is handsome, so there is no issue with me and bald.  However, if you are bald or nearly there, putting a picture of you with a full head of hair and I'm talking there is no mistaking it, then you should not take your date completely by surprise when they go to meet you for the first time and you are missing a big chunk of what took up your picture (that is unless you put a picture up of your bigger days and you have lost all the weigh.

Well Bupesh (thank you mother for the name) said he was 30 on his profile. When we were talking, I noticed he looked older than his picture, clearly, but I still think that's all that wasn't true and then he mentions no less than three times that he is "old". I finally said "well how old are you?" because I was thinking I remembered wrong. Now, don't forget, he looked way older than his picture, but still. His answer was "umm, 30 or 31 I guess, I think". "You guess??" Bupesh, you must first figure out which age you are going to give your date and stick with it, otherwise...this is just embarrassing.

He seemed funny and smart, I am not certain love is imminent, but probably at least a second date. I mean if I can't date a liar who can stick with an age, what kind of liar can I date, right?


  1. Ahh, thanks Becky! Jeff, his name isn't Bupesh, but my sweet mother thought that's what I said when I was telling her about him...clearly I needed to use it as the disguised name!
