Sunday, February 7, 2010

First Edition

So for years I have been threatening to write a book, I had great ideas.  A book about my friends from college, our uniqueness that brought us together or one would be about all the weddings I have been in as a bridesmaid.  However, my friends from college and I moved to different cities, finding new relationships, starting careers and for some, beginning families.  Our story of endless conversations about grammar and late night debaucheries at college frat houses no longer seemed appropriate as we started growing up.  They started finding their better halves, they started settling, and yet I found myself moving further away from settling down than I ever imagined.  Then as weddings started happening and I was getting the honor of acting as a bridesmaid in so many dear friends and sisters' weddings, I thought, this, this is from where my story will come.  However, I realized it wasn't my story, it was the story of my experiences at their weddings.  Now these have humor in them none the less, and without a date story here and there I might share some of those with you.  However, until then, I have found that having been a bridesmaid 14 times, that book already got written...into a movie, called 27 Dresses (by the way, I totally had that story first!).

So I decided to start a blog, to share some of the tales I have as a serial first dater.  I have more first dates than I have actual relationships and more second dates than I have you can see where this is going.  But let me preference this with the facts that I have been burned and broken hearted and forgotten and I have done the same, so this isn't to bash every man I go out with.  It is just a little life lesson on finding the signs, or a lesson on not seeing them before it's too late.

I went to the dog park yesterday, wondering in the back of my mind how would I begin this blog.  Which story would I start with?  Should I name any names?  Should I embellish these stories like I did as a stand-up comedian for the laugh?  Just then I looked up to spot my dog on the back of another dog exploring the love between himself, a large black lab and a tall curly haired white poodle.  As I stood up to get him off this poodle, I noticed something about the park that day.  It wasn't just a beautiful day to take your dog to the park, but it was also a beautiful day to take your significant other as well.  Here I was, enjoying a peaceful quiet saturday and having to get my sexually frustrated neutered dog off of another male dog and seeing I was being studied by no less than 8 couples at the park.  Did they feel pity for me?  Were they laughing at the sheer humor that my dog weighs more than half my weight and I was having to pull him off dog after dog?  What did they wonder about me?  Where was my better half to help me get him off?  Finally I couldn't take the embarrassment of my dog's humping problem and I left, tripping into the fence on my way out.  Then I realized, no embellishment is needed in this blog, this is my life, you can't make my story up.

I'm just a simple girl with a few delicate tastes in both men, food and wine and here's a way for me to share them all with you.  After the last bad date I went on, I decided it was time to start sharing these stories.  They make me laugh and my friends laugh and I am certain I will have plenty more experiences to share with you.  This blog is called The Plural of Me because I am not alone in my life, the people who have come in and gone and come in and stayed make up the multiple stories I have throughout the many stages of my life.  They make up the plural version of myself.  Enjoy...


  1. Empty threats no more... Welcome to the online diary world! You will love it.

  2. I have been waiting for this for years! Just made your blog a favorite (that's huge by the way) because right now the only favorite-worthy sites I have are gossip, I mean, "news" sites. xoxo
